We strive to deliver products purchased from dstockclothing.com site name in excellent condition and in the fastest time possible. Delivery charges is applicable for your order. With every order, you will receive an email or message containing the details of the order placed by you. Once we ship the products, you will receive email or message containing shipping details to the provided email I'd and mobile number. Tracking details might take time from the courier end to get updated although the product could ha e been picked up by the courier. We process all deliveries though the reputed couriers. We ship within 2 working days for deliveries in India. The estimated time of delivery may vary from 2-7 working days, it depends upon the distance and area. When you agree with the first time of the Shipping & Delivery Policy we can update in future for more security purpose customer like you buying product in d'iconic stock clothing community, All the Employees role's, chairman's, owner's and other's role's in d'iconic stock clothing community is also agree with future developer changes. If you have questions and/or require more information, do not hesitate to contact us support@dstockclothing.com.